It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to two new online modules developed within the Erasmus+ CONFIDENT project (Enhancing Intercultural and Digital Competences of Mobile Students in Times of Crisis – project number 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095384), financed by the European Commission and run in partnership by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Hochschule Bremen, Germany, and Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

The Online Open Module in Intercultural Communication aims to develop students’ intercultural skills as a valuable resource in their adjustment to new cultural environments, without feeling isolated or disrupted. ​The online module is structured into four chapters: Culture, Intercultural Dimensions, Intercultural Competences and Intercultural Communication.

The Online Open Module in Digital Learning addresses the students’ need to effectively use various online learning platforms and tools. Within its three chapters, the module tackles the Intercultural Communication in the digital world, E-learning Solutions, Mobile Learning and Gamification, Ethics and Security in the digital environment.

The two online modules are intended for all students of all ages and can be attended either in an individual, self-paced learning mode or as part of an official, academic learning environment. The modules blend the video format (tutorials and debates with students) with the text, the narrated presentations and the self-assessment quizzes. The available resources can be combined in a flexible way depending on the facilitators’ needs and the level of the learners’ competences.

If our brief presentation sparked your interest, we kindly invite you to access the two modules at the following link:  

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to share your feedback with us or for any other additional information.

Happy intercultural and digital learning!