The Faculty of Wood Technology of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences is the oldest European academic faculty dealing with the entirety of wood industry, established nearly 70 years ago. In 1946, the Wood Technology Division was established, separated from the Faculty of Forestry units, and since 1951 it has been operating as an independent research and teaching unit. Thanks to many years of experience, building close contacts with the industry and creating professional research and teaching facilities, we offer studies that combine tradition and modernity. You can easily acquire the skills of a conservator of wooden monuments, a designer of furniture and technological processes or a manager of your own timber company.
The objectives of the Faculty of Wood Technology for the coming years are: to increase the innovative nature of research, improve the quality of student education, expand the educational offer and strengthen relations with the industry. It is assumed that this cooperation will contribute to increasing the activity of students in acquiring knowledge, skills and competences, including by participating in extensive scholarship programs for the most talented and the possibility of participating in paid internships in leading wood and furniture companies in Poland.
We hope that the new forms of operation of the Faculty of Wood Technology will become an incentive to study at our Faculty.

On February 15, 1946, by a resolution of the Academic Senate of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, under the leadership of the Rector, Professor Franciszek Staff, the Wood Technology Division (OTD) at the Forest Faculty of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences was established. The initiator and main advocate of the creation of the Wood Technology Division was Professor Franciszek Krzysik, the then Vice-Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
The OTD was separated from the Department of Forest Use and Mechanical Wood Technology of the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
In the period 1946-1951, the following Chairs were established within the structure of the Wood Technology Division:
- Department of General Machines and Machine Tools (1946) - deputy manager Prof. Inż. Tadeusz Orlicz. The unit was separated in 1951. for two departments:
- Department of Machining and Machine Tools - head of deputy Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Orlicz, and
- Department of General Machines - head of deputy Prof. Inż. Zbigniew Muszyński
- Department of Chemical Wood Technology (1947) - assistant manager Prof. Julita Bartkiewicz-Jabłońska, PhD
- Department of Design and Organization of Wood Industry Plants (1948) - head of deputy Prof. M.D. Stanisław Ihnatowicz
- Department of Mechanical Wood Technology (1950) - head prof. dr hab. Franciszek Krzysik
- Department of Technical Mechanics (1951) - assistant manager Prof. M.D. Ludwik Tylbor
The managers of the Wood Technology Department were in turn:
- Jerzy Grochowski (1946-1947)
- Marian Nunberg (1947-1948)
- Franciszek Krzysik (1948-1951)
On September 1, 1951, as a result of the independence of OTD, the Faculty of Wood Technology (WTD) was established, the oldest in Europe (outside the USSR) academic department dealing with the issues of wood industry.
The Deans of the Faculty of Wood Technology
Konstanty Szczerbakow (1951-1952, 1954-1955)
Zbigniew Muszyński (1952-1954, 1955-1957, 1958-1959, 1964-1965)
Franciszek Krzysik (1957-1958, 1962-1963)
Tadeusz Orlicz (1959-1960, 1963-1964)
Mieczysław Pachelski (1960-1962, 1965-1966)
Aleksander O. Korczewski (1966-1969)
Jerzy Żytecki (1969-1978)
Jerzy Wazny (1978-1981)
Bolesław Gonet (1981-1987)
Leszek Żukowski (1987-1993)
Witold Dzbeński (1993-1999)
Andrzej Starecki (1999-2002)
Krzysztof J. Krajewski (2002-2005, 2012 – 2020)
Adam Krajewski (2005-2012)
Over the course of several decades, the organizational structure of the Faculty of Wood Technology has changed in line with the main directions of research, didactics and the requirements of the changing Statute of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
In accordance with the orders of the supreme authorities, the duration of the studies and curricula changed several times, in particular:
- in the years 1945-1949 recruitment was carried out for uniform 4-year studies ending with the degree of master engineer
- in the years 1949-1951 recruitment for 3.5-year studies leading to the degree of engineer was conducted
- in the years 1954-1955 recruitment for 4-year studies leading to the degree of an engineer was conducted
- from 1955, recruitment was conducted for uniform 5-year studies ending with the degree of Master of Science in Engineering
- recruitment for two-cycle studies has been conducted since 2003 – see forms of studies
Since its inception, the main location of the Faculty of Wood Technology has been in the 2nd pavilion of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences at ul. Rakowiecka. Some units of the Faculty were also located in the third pavilion, as well as in more distant facilities:
- wooden buildings at ul. Bruna
- rooms in the building at ul. Odrowaz
- building of an independent pavilion in the SGGW complex at ul. Rakowiecka
In September 2003 The Faculty of Wood Technology changed its location, moving entirely to building no. 34 on the campus of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Ursynów. For the purposes of the Faculty, a Technology Hall (building no. 16) was built on the campus of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Ursynów.
We also invite you to visit the photo gallery related to our Faculty.